in the last week
We ordered and received little sister's car seat.
5 of us had eye appointments this week. That was one long afternoon.
I blogged a total of two times, including this post.
I've stayed up way too late several nights trying to get stuff done on that never-ending to do list.
I've apologized to the kids more times than I can count this week.
I requested 4 books from the library this week. Why you ask? I don't know; I'm guessing I think I'll have lots of time to read in the car, plane, and train this month.
We've frozen our bums off in the early mornings and late evenings because we took out the old heater system in the first floor. Our replacement heater will be installed soon. (We still have heat in the upper level so if we get too cold, we just stay upstairs.)
I made an Elsa costume and 2 spooky ghost costumes at the very-last-minute.
My sewing machine decided to give me fits and say it was done at the very-last-minute.
Happy Halloween friends!!
weekend links/19
a bunch of random for you today!
~as if I needed another reason to love this actor
~stressed anyone?
~"Let's stop making excuses for our daughters."
~I am enjoying this little blog series.
~this is on my nightstand this week next shoe purchase
~ordered a pair of these for our flying adventures due to my lovely history
~going to enjoy a pot of this early next week
our weekend agenda:
a trip to the home improvement store today,
then church tomorrow, a playdate after church, and
a visit to the pumpkin patch...
have a great weekend!
~as if I needed another reason to love this actor
~stressed anyone?
~"Let's stop making excuses for our daughters."
~I am enjoying this little blog series.
~this is on my nightstand this week next shoe purchase
~ordered a pair of these for our flying adventures due to my lovely history
~going to enjoy a pot of this early next week
our weekend agenda:
a trip to the home improvement store today,
then church tomorrow, a playdate after church, and
a visit to the pumpkin patch...
have a great weekend!
in the last week
{Yes, I took this picture!!}
I packed baby bottles and size 2 diapers in the suitcase. Size 2!
We bought the two older kids their winter coats. On sale, of course.
I've thought about starting to sew Joci's Halloween costume.
We've taken R to speech therapy 3 times, and we have been using those 30 minute waiting times to do some schoolwork (mainly read alouds).
If stacked all together in a small 12" square, our dirty laundry would be taller than myself. #workingonthatthisweekend
Out of the mouth of babes this week: "Me have a wiener. Mommy have a wiener too?"
Joe applied for a position in Kansas with the same company. Thus, moving closer to family is expected to be in our future-sometime.
Rylan & Owen both have ended up in our bed at least 4 times. Rylan always says "I had a bad dream." When asked about it in the morning, he tells us it was about a bear.
Joe painted the garage with a little help from the kids. He also tore/cut out all the pipes to the old heater system, tore out a closet to access the crawl space under the house, and cut down the boards from the closet to build a new garden fence. #hardworker #proudwife
Happy Friday friends!!
free printable roundup #10
Happy Tuesday friends!!
Today is Tuesday, and that means some free printables
that I've rounded up from the far corners of the internet for you to enjoy.
~French Press Mornings offers a free printable every Wednesday (I've linked to her Encouraging Wednesday's posts where she offers the free printable so you can see the whole lineup.)
~a little pumpkin tag for your gift giving
~a gorgeous sunflower watercolor print (She also has 2 other watercolor prints for free.)

~a different set of arrow prints with a pink print for your brave girl (I referenced these last week.)

~an abstract coloring page for your tween
~a M-A-S-H printable for a date night with the hubs

Happy printing friends!!
Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who so gladly share their
talent and creativity with the rest of us!
celebrating three
Dear Owen,
You turned three this past summer.
Here's a little bit about you right now.
You love pizza.
You love drinking milk.
You love making messes.
You love your brothers and sister.
You love playing with Rylan.
You love looking at pictures of your baby sister.
You always say "She likes me."
You love watching Paw Patrol.
You love Marshall from Paw Patrol.
You love the color orange.
Your favorite number is two or three, depending on the day.
You love playing with your trains.
You love to carry around and play with your Daddy's tow straps.
You say "You's have to help me."
We love you Owen!! Happy 3 years old!!
P.S.~visit last year's favorites here.
You turned three this past summer.
Here's a little bit about you right now.
You love pizza.
You love drinking milk.
You love making messes.
You love your brothers and sister.
You love playing with Rylan.
You love looking at pictures of your baby sister.
You always say "She likes me."
You love Marshall from Paw Patrol.
You love the color orange.
Your favorite number is two or three, depending on the day.
You love playing with your trains.
You love to carry around and play with your Daddy's tow straps.
You say "You's have to help me."
We love you Owen!! Happy 3 years old!!
P.S.~visit last year's favorites here.
in the last week
We booked our plane tickets to China! Now we just have to book our tickets for travel inside China (flying/train traveling from province to province).
Joe and I had a date day. It had been way too long since our last one. (Two or three months ago)
We had a very sick chicken. Tried nursing it back to health, but she didn't make it. Joci was one upset little girl.
Joci no longer eats chicken. This has been going on in the past month or so. Thus, her only meat-eating involves fish sticks and hot dogs occasionally.
Owen has been saying, "I wuv's you."
I've blogged four times in the past week. That's a miracle in itself.
We picked out paint color for the garage. Gray was the winner.
We, meaning Joe, pulled the air conditioners out of the house. I turned on the heater for those cold mornings and late evenings.
~This picture may look like nothing to everyone else, but it is one of my favorites. Joci loves talking to her chickens, and this is exactly what she was doing as she took a break from picking the last of the tomatoes before the frost.
Happy Friday friends!!
october goals
Fall is my FAVORITE season! It contains cooler days, falling leaves, apple cider, pumpkin pie, pumpkin smells, and more reasons to stay inside!
October goals:
1. Clean out ALL my junk drawers. Let me tell ya' this is going to be a monumental task. All my junk drawers are the equivalent to a couple of medium-size dressers. #obsessivedrawerstuffer
2. Simplify and organize linen closet. Our linen closet is a mess; a big mess.
3. Sew, make, and/or create 30 items for the etsy shop. List 50 new items in the shop. (I'm guessing I have 20 items already done.)
4. Start and finish our packing for China. I don't want to be packing last minute for our trip.
Linking up with The Tiny Twig-Goals with Grace
{source unknown}
In September I did not write out a goal plan on the ol' blog.
We've been busy, really busy. It's hard to balance real life with 4 kids and blogging/hobbies.
October goals:
1. Clean out ALL my junk drawers. Let me tell ya' this is going to be a monumental task. All my junk drawers are the equivalent to a couple of medium-size dressers. #obsessivedrawerstuffer
2. Simplify and organize linen closet. Our linen closet is a mess; a big mess.
3. Sew, make, and/or create 30 items for the etsy shop. List 50 new items in the shop. (I'm guessing I have 20 items already done.)
4. Start and finish our packing for China. I don't want to be packing last minute for our trip.
Linking up with The Tiny Twig-Goals with Grace
free printable roundup #9
Happy Tuesday friends!!
Today is Tuesday, and that means some free printables
that I've rounded up from the far corners of the internet for you to enjoy.
~a set of ten cute prints to adorn your walls
~another Caravan shoppe print
You have to set up an account, but the print is absolutely free.

~arrows are all the rage
~feathers seem to be a trend also

~a set of thank you tags for gifts

Grab your coffee, tea, Diet Coke, or whatever strikes your fancy
and have yourself a little printing session.
Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who so gladly share their
Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who so gladly share their
talent and creativity with the rest of us!
hello monday
hello trying to squeeze in as many appointments as we can before little sister gets here
hello house project list
hello knitting needles~it's nice to see you again
hello first day of school pictures from August & September
hello laundry catch-up day
hello cooler weather
hello menu planning
hello lots of coffee
happy Monday friends!!
*linking up with Lisa Leonard today
free printable Halloween roundup #8
Happy Tuesday friends!!
It's been so long since I've regularly blogged, and I know no other way to get started than to just get back into a regular routine.
Today is Tuesday, and that means some free printables that I've rounded up from the far corners of the internet for you to enjoy.
Today is Tuesday, and that means some free printables that I've rounded up from the far corners of the internet for you to enjoy.
~Halloween finger puppets should keep your littles busy

~a chalkboard printable to display on your mantle or wall

~need some tags for Halloween gifts

~ how about a set of lunchbox notes for your little spooks?

~a cute countdown to Halloween printable

~an adorable "outta candy" printable for your front door

Grab your coffee, tea, Diet Coke, or whatever strikes your fancy and have yourself a little printing session to spruce up Halloween décor.
Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who so gladly share their talent and creativity with the rest of us!
Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who so gladly share their talent and creativity with the rest of us!
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