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New Name and a New Direction

Down by the Willow Tree is the new name for our family blog.
Where did that name come from you say?
I've always loved willow trees.
I love the willow tree's look-the low branches that droop to create a "falling" canopy.
The willow tree is a dramatic tree with lots of character.

Some facts on the Weeping Willow:
~thrives in growing zones 4-9
~has the ability to absorb standing water
~can grow just about anywhere, even demonstrating some tolerance to drought.
~very adaptable to all kinds of soils and growing conditions
~can even prevent soil erosion

I digress.
I wasn't "in love" with our old name, "The View from Here".
That is the name I just whipped out to get our blog rolling.

Our dream is to have a house with a willow tree nearby.
Preferably near a small pond or lake, and so you see, that is were I came up with the name.

In the next several months, you will see our lives begin to go in a new direction so that we may accomplish that dream.
No, I don't expect that dream to happen overnight.
It is going to take time and patience and lots of sacrifice.

I continually look forward to that day where we can sit down by the willow tree on a Sunday afternoon.

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