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It's that time of year again. I have been thinking and thinking about what I should do for this year's Lenten Resolutions.

1.) I keep coming back to this---

It's what I check in the morning when i wake up...
It's what I check in the afternoon when the kids are having quiet time...
It's what I check in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed...

I do have to say--that is too much

Remember this post here. I do believe this little task is going to be harder than last year's, but I am determined I will make it.

2.) I am going to be reading a chapter of "The Word" everyday; to get myself back into the routine. I have slacked, and it is evident in my attitude, my parenting style, and I'm sure numerous other areas not mentioned.

3.) I am going to clean, organize, and purge our household. I have been working on organizing a little bit. Our upstairs hall closet is now used for the kids' crafts. I have rearranged a couple of kitchen cabinets, and it seems to work better for us. So, I am going to continue doing that throughout the whole house. My goal is at least to get the kids playroom completed, and my sewing/crafting studio finished. I better get moving!!!

4.) To be a better mother and wife than I already am---which is going to be a piece of cake once I get numbers 1, 2, and 3 down.



  1. I gave up facebook last year - and will do it again this year. It is a huge time waster! I can't give up internet all together - would make my life (stress level) more complicated (therefore a worse wife/mom)...but limiting myself to a short time when the kids are asleep, etc.

    You've got me addicted to coupons - I think this will be harder for me to give up this year! :)

  2. You have me thinking!

    Also--when did you change your blog name?


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