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Thank you for your prayers!
We are home, and trying to settle into some sort of routine.

Sophie is doing as well as to be expected after a major surgery.
Although wouldn't you know, she is a little upset that she can't have food.
The girl who wouldn't eat anything but smoothies for months, now wants food.
It's smoothies for two weeks though.

It's a fight to get her to take her medicine, but we get it down.
It's not fun, but it's a must for pain control.

She's waking up a couple times a night.
This momma is tired.

She has done amazingly well compared to what Joe & I were expecting from her.
I pray that this continues for the next month.

Thank you again for your prayers. You are welcome to continue praying for complete healing, and to pray that this surgery is successful for her, and that we won't have to have any additional surgeries within the next year.

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