May was a busy month for us. School let out, Joe was gone for a week, and we were in Kansas or traveling for 9 days of the month.
As Hayley mentioned, if the goals are not in front of me daily, they tend to go to the wayside.
*put some items in the etsy shop~I did not complete this goal.
*start our family scrapbook for 2014~I did not do this, BUT I did finish up a year in Byron's album.
{Source Unknown}
*Attempt to generate some extra income for our budget~Hence, the word attempt. Joe and I are now contemplating taking all four children to China with us when our adoption comes through. Thus, we're going to have 2 extra tickets to buy, and that equals big bucks that I don't want to take out of our regular budget. We're guessing we have about 8 months to a year to save so I want to get started right away.
*Read 4 books with 1 being nonfiction~I can manage this goal!! I'd love to see myself read more as I have a whole closet downstairs dedicated to books I'd like to read. Reading more means getting rid of more stuff.
*Exercise 4 times a week~I can do this. I was exercising 7 days a week, but I've slacked off and can't seem to get back on track. Making it a goal helps to hold myself accountable.
*Re-establish chore charts with the kids~Ideally, the chore charts would be tweaked and running smoothly before school begins again in August.
*Send snail mail to at least two individuals~Snail mail is the best!! I've been a slacker this year in sending some out.
*Clean out the laundry room~This will be a huge accomplishment if I can get this done. There are piles of clothes to put up, piles of extra junk laying around that either needs sold or donated, and piles of clothes that need a good soaking in some oxiclean.
*linking up with Hayley at The Tiny Twig

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