My April goals:
*read 4 books
*complete 5 unfinished projects
*wake up earlier for myself
*start our family scrapbook for 2014
*add 15 items to the new etsy shop
April was a bust. The only goal I even attempted was to read 4 books. I read 3 books, and started 3 other books. I had good intentions of completing, or even starting the other goals, but life got in the way.
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MAY GOALS*finish reading 3 books~I have a stack of books that I want to start reading, but I also have a stack of books that I need to finish reading. I'm going to start finishing up some of those books that I need to complete.
*put some items in the etsy shop~I have a pile of items ready to start on for the shop. Some items need sewn together, some need photographed, and others need executed from idea to the end product. I want to make this goal a priority in May, especially if I'm going to have a listing of 100 items by June.
*start our family scrapbook for 2014~I also want to make this goal a priority in May. We're already 18 weeks or so into 2014, and time's not standing still.
*make a summer schedule for the kids~Another priority goal for May; it has to be, or I may lose my mind during the middle of June or July. :)
Happy May Day!!
*linking up with The Tiny Twig

Grace, grace, grace! Let yourself be covered with grace, Tonya. Goals don't have to be perfect to mean something :)
Thank you Rachel for visiting! More often than not I need a daily reminder from someone other than myself to be covered in God's grace.