Today I thought I would share my five favorite skincare/makeup products {insert laugh here}. Anyone that truly knows me is probably laughing at this blog post. I'm not a big makeup wearer. I have four kids, and makeup is the least of my worries. However, I do use a couple of skincare products on a daily weekly basis.
So, for what it's worth, here's my five skincare favorites that you'll find in my makeup bag.

I love this no-color lip conditioner!! I use it for the moisturizing aspect. You can often find it on sale, but even if it's not, $8 is still a great price for a lip conditioner.

Can you tell my skin is dry? I use this moisturizer in combination with Clinique's Moisture Surge in the fall and winter months. In the spring and summer, I use this moisturizer alone. I like that it is a moisturizer with a sunscreen. I bought mine at the local Wal-mart, but I think Amazon's price looks cheaper.

I buy these brushes at Target, or if I'm lucky, sometimes our local Dollar Tree has some in stock. They're cheap brushes in quality and price. $1 a brush, but these brushes last a long time for me. Granted, I only wear actual makeup once a week or less. Most times, less. One day, when I wear makeup more than once a week, I may purchase a higher quality brush. For now, these will do.
When wearing my contacts and mascara, I like to use Mary Kay's eye makeup remover. For some reason, other cleansers leave my eyes irritated. Mary Kay's remover is gentle on my eyes, and doesn't leave my skin feeling greasy.
*Check out more five favorites at Moxie Wife

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