I'm sharing five random favorites with Hallie from Moxie Wife via Katie from The Rhodes Log.

1. Whirley-Pop

2. Peonies

{source unknown}
Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. We have 2 bushes that were on the property when we purchased it a year ago. I'd love to plant more, but our yard is pretty shaded and peonies don't grow well in the shade.

This lotion is the only one that is working on the psoriasis on my legs. Well, that and not eating wheat. I purchased it in the mega-size {32 oz.}.

Now, these aren't vintage wire baskets, but they're the next best thing!! I have 2 on top of the fridge holding our bread and snack products. I'd like about 8 more to hold my fabric.

This system has made getting the piles of school papers out of boxes and out of tubs. I did one year of Byron's preschool in less than two hours with interruptions. I was pretty ruthless in tossing items. I decided to keep items that were cute or showed progression in skills, such as self-portraits, family drawings, name writing, handprints, etc. I hope to show my albums later {much later} this year. The link above leads you to the products, and this link here shows a good video description of Becky's albums.

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