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Little Bits of Life 21

1. Rylan and Joci are on antibiotics for tonsillitis. Byron has lucked out thus far.

2. Joci is scheduled for her tonsillectomy in December, if she can hold out that long. We may have to have her surgery sooner, or the doctor said that she may just be on antibiotics until her surgery, which is not an optimal solution at this time.

3. Joe's been working on the downstairs bathroom, and it is almost finished!!! Since he is only working on the house one day out of his weekend's, it will actually probably be about 2-3 weeks before it is finished. But it is almost done!!! Next up--the upstairs bathroom.

4. I'm still not finished painting above the kitchen cabinets. Maybe that will happen sometime next month.

5. We decided that after Joci's surgery we'll be switching bedrooms around. That is, if her sleeping gets better after surgery. So, it looks like more painting for me-oh yeah. Can you hear my sarcastic voice??

6. We have a busy weekend planned. Joe will be working on Saturday, and it's my major cleaning day for this week. Joci has a birthday party to attend late Saturday afternoon. We have a pre-trick or treat party to attend on Sunday, and then of course, trick or treating for the kids.

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