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10,000 Projects and 10,000 Directions

Lately, I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. Hence the lack of blog posting. This past week I feel like I have been pulled in 10,000 directions. I don't know if it's the added part-time (very part-time) job that I have taken. Or if it's that Joe is still working 15-16 hour days, including his regular days off-so I don't get that "me" time. Or, if it is just an accumulation of things, such as Joci getting ready to start Kindergarten, myself saying "yes" to being a discussion group leader at MOPS again this year, trying to get my business up and running, and doctoring up that sick kitty everyday 2x's a day.

I feel like we have 10,000 projects to complete.
We have a list that is a mile long.

Finish priming kitchen, paint kitchen, remodel hall closet, finish putting up trim in living room, attach borders to floors between bedrooms and hallways, tile downstairs shower, install downstairs vanity, clean up marked walls in the stairway, clean up marked walls in the family room, install trim downstairs in ALL the rooms, repair/replace laundry room ceiling, finish painting laundry room ceiling, paint inside of master closets, paint inside of kids' closet, paint inside of playroom closet, plant recently bought shrubs, finish mulching flowerbed, and fix shed outdoors.

And, that is not all.
No, I'm not kidding!!

To top that off, I have a sewing list that is a mile long also.
Finish sewing Joci's back-to-school dress, finish binding and repair Melissa's quilt, bind stars 'n stripes quilt, bind star quilt, sew gathered clutch, sew zippered pouch, make backpack for Joci, make backpack for Byron, make princess Halloween costume, make 2 frog Halloween costumes, sew 3 capes, sew 4 boo-boo bags, make pouch for Byron's epi-pen, make pouch for medical supplies, repair Joci's slippers, finish bowtie quilt, finish log cabin quilt, finish another log cabin quilt, finish star log cabin quilt, finish bargello quilt, bind baby quilt, sew 4 backs for quilts, repair rag time quilt, sew flowered quilt, make I Spy bags, and much, much more.

So much, that I can't even think straight.

Time to get off, and get some of those projects completed. After I cook dinner, after I put another load of laundry in the washer, after I change a dirty diaper, after I help the kids pick up their toys, after I vacuum the living room floor, and so on and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Its great that you transfer your thoughts onto paper, that is suppose to relieve the stress of it all. At least thats what i tell the kids at work!


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