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Little Bits of Life 13

1. My sweetie sent me flowers this week!!! Now, this is NOT an everyday occurrence at this house, and that's okay, because that what makes getting them so special. I can't even remember the last time I got flowers. Such a surprise!! Aren't they gorgeous?

2. I scored at the thrift stores this week with some great vintage sheet finds!!! 3 sheets in all and 10 pillowcases for $5.10!! I'm thinking I'm going to make a quilt or some zippered pouches? Do you need anything made with a vintage sheet?

3. My studio is coming along!!! Half of it is cleared out and organized!! It needs a quick coat of paint on some of the walls. The walls are white, but most days I'm wishing for a little color. Some pale, pale blue, or pale pink or maybe even a pale, pale yellow. Of course, I can't decide. Why is it that I have such a difficult time deciding what should be the easiest choices?

4. Took the kids to ride go-karts and swim on the slides. While Rylan, Joci, and I were waiting on Daddy and Byron to get done racing, I played tic-tac-toe with a chicken.

He won. Can you believe that?

I'm blaming it on the heat.

1 comment:

  1. I love the flowers!! I think my hubby could take a few lessons from your hubby!!
    That game with the chickens was funny!!! Im tellling my parents about that game.


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