2. The kids and I have been eating uncooked ramen noodles for a snack. I know, yuck, but I can't seem to stop. It has to be better than chocolate, right? We currently don't have any in the house.
3. I have 2 more Monday nights of training for my Rape and Domestic Abuse Volunteer Training. I originally thought it was only 6 weeks, but the training is 9 weeks long. I had to miss last week's because Joe was called in to work, and Rylan had a fever so I didn't have anyone to watch the kids.
4. We'll (the kids & I) be going to Kansas for a 2 week vacation in May to attend my brother's wedding!!!!! Joe only gets to go for one week.
5. My sewing room is coming along. I am now on the lookout for some matching baskets to store some items. I found some---some that I like, but don't love. They were $6 a piece, and I need 6 of them. I think I may get some for $1 at the Dollar Tree and just spray paint them.
6. I am in love with spray paint!!!! It works wonders, and is fast and cheap!!

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