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Easter Bunny Hunt

Can you believe it took us over 2 hours to finally see the Easter Bunny? We first went to Walgreens, because they had a specified time for the Easter photo shoot. Well, there was no Easter bunny there---it was just some props and a bench for your own Easter shoot. This was our 1st photo. We weren't going to take the picture at all; the kids just wanted to go find the Easter bunny somewhere else. Well, before we checked out, Byron decided that he wanted to take the picture. Notice he is not on the bench! He changed his mind, and didn't want to get his picture taken. Nothing worked---the ladies tried telling him that he could see the picture on the camera, that he could see the picture on the computer, that he could see the picture coming out of the printer, and that he could get a piece of chocolate. He still ended up getting his piece of chocolate!!

We finally saw the Easter bunny at the mall. He was quite late---20 minutes past his expected arrival time, but it was worth the wait for this picture. Rylan was sleeping by this time.

Notice Joci's red cheek? She decide to practice her gymnastics on the bed while I was putting away her shirts. She ended up rolling off and hitting her cheek on the open drawer.

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