I did a quick scan of the label. No peanuts in the allergy information. Byron was sick during this time with his sinus infections. About an 1 1/2 hours later, he threw up all over the place. Joe and I just assumed it was because of his sinus infection. Fast forward a couple of days. Byron ate some more of this ice cream. 30 minutes later he threw up all over the truck (we were on our way to Wal-Mart). I ran into the store to get wipes, change of clothes, and paper towels. By the time I got back out to the truck, Joe had already cleaned up most of the mess!!! He also told me that Byron was breaking out in hives. Great! So, I put on his new clothes, gave him a dose of Benadryl and we went to get our supplies.
Took a look at the ice cream while we were in the store to double check to see if there were any peanuts in it. And, what do you know, yup, there was. It wasn't listed on the allergy content information, as it is supposed to be---but it was in the ingredients. You can see it listed on the 4th row up from the bottom.

Lesson learned: if Byron hasn't ate it before and if I'm not familiar with the product, read all of the ingredient list. I guess he's still allergic to peanuts. Bummer. :(

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