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we have a gerber baby!!

This little guy is our Gerber baby! No, we didn't win a photo contest, but I think he's cute enough. Maybe just a little biased!!

I switched his cereal brand from Gerber to the other leading brand. I was trying to be frugal--I had a better coupon deal for the other brand. Around the same time (actually 4 days earlier), I also gave the little guy some banana baby food. His little belly didn't like something--took him to the doctor (he had some blood in his bowel movements). Diagnosis of gastritis.

There went the plan of trying to be frugal; our office visit cost us $50. Doctor told us to solely breastfeed for 2 days. Did that then started him back on the other brand to see if that's what was causing the gastritis. It sure was--has had diarrhea ever since eating that cereal, so we switched back to Gerber and his belly likes it much better.

***Just for the record, I did not get any money, endorsements, or whatever from Gerber; but if Gerber is reading this we'll take some free product!!!

Moral of this story: being frugal doesn't work in all instances!!

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