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Eat from the Pantry Challenge Follow-up

Here is a follow-up from the Eat from your Pantry Challenge. I guess you could say that we have been eating from our pantry--definitely more than the last couple of months. We kind of fell off the band-wagon from sticking to our budget those months, and we definitely like to eat out because it's 1) convenient, 2) faster than cooking dinner, and 3) there's definitely not any dishes to clean afterwards.

However, I consider myself a "drop-out" as I have already spent over the $100 limit that I restricted upon our family. I have spent about $140 on the grocery budget. I can say though that $51 of that has gone to diapers & pull-ups for the month.

Here is a menu list of the main dish that we ate for dinner that day.

2nd, Saturday = Potato Soup
3rd, Sunday = Sausage Quiche
4th, Monday = Asian Chicken Helper
5th, Tuesday = Spaghetti
6th, Wednesday = Grilled Cheese Sandwiches & Tomato Soup
7th, Thursday = Tacos
8th, Friday = Eat out (Chinese)
9th, Saturday = Hamburgers
10th, Sunday = Leftovers
11th, Monday = Eat out (Pizza)
12th, Tuesday = Steak
13th, Wednesday = Chili
14th, Thursday = Chicken Fettucine
15th, Friday = Corn dogs
16th, Saturday = Sandwiches

Now time to plan next week's menu!!


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