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Santa Visit

We made a visit to Santa this evening. It was warmer out this evening, in the 20's. Joci told Santa that she wanted a My Little Pony house. She talked to him about some other stuff too; not sure what, since I couldn't hear her. That chickie can talk---I'm sure she would have stayed on his lap another 5 minutes if we would have let her. Byron said he told Santa that he wanted a gun. We asked him what Santa said to him. He didn't reply; Joe asked him if Santa told him, you'll shoot your eye out. The carousel was open, so the whole family rode one time. Waited in line forever for 2 cups of nasty hot cocoa and a water---thankfully, it was only 50 cents a cup.

Yes, my camera really sucks, I am so not happy with it--or maybe it's the operator.


1 comment:

  1. I love all the updates and looking at your sweet little family.
    Like i always say keep up the great work at being a mom, never doubt yourself cause you are doing a great job!!! Joe you keep up the great work at being a loving dad and husband!!
    I love you guys!! Stay WARM!!


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