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Embrace the Camera #3

It's been a hectic week here.  

Joe's been under a little lots of stress with work.
Joci's been a little crabby this week.
Byron has been terrorizing Rylan a litttle too much for my liking.
Thus, making Rylan, a little too aggressive and mean this week.
Owen's back to being a snotty baby with goopy eyes.
{We're not too sure he hasn't been affected with RSV, although he doesn't have a fever.}

It's been a really hectic week here.
Hence the lack of posting, and up-to-date photos.
Enjoy this blurry pic and half-a-face from last summer while we were visiting the zoo.
By the way, the kids can't wait until the zoo opens in 3 more months, and I have to say, neither can I. 


  1. sorry about your hectic week! hopefully it turns around sometime soon. :) also...that picture makes me so excited! i can't wait until my little one is old enough to enjoy the zoo :)
    visiting from the andersons :)

  2. Love your half-a-face! And thankfully when our weeks are nuts like that, we can always go back and look at pictures of times when it wasn't so bad.

  3. Sorry you've had such a hectic week, hopefully you'll get a chance to really enjoy the weekend. I love the half-face pic, too! :)

  4. The weekend's here! (happy dance!).. Loads of hugs your way!



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