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Little Bits of Life 14

1. Joe went to the allergy doctor today, and had the allergen tests ran. Nothing showed up as he suspected. However, the doctor can tell that he still has some congestion going on. Joe was giving some Singular to try to see if that will help.

2. Pete is still hanging on. Back to his ol' self here at home just laying around most of the day.

3. We suspect that Rylan will be taking his first steps in the next few days. He's getting brave!! Not holding on to anything while he stands, climbing onto the couch when the kids have the cushions off, and just this evening I caught him climbing in the refrigerator (he looked just like his brother did back in the day only with less hair and less clothes)!! I didn't have the camera upstairs so I wasn't able to snap a pic, but I will next time.

Byron December 2007

4. Joci is sleepwalking again, just this evening. Scared the living daylights out of me. I didn't hear here get up. I went in and checked on her and Byron, and she was not in her bed. She was not in my bed. I started panicking a little---she was not upstairs. I went downstairs, and there she was sound asleep on the couch. I took her back to her bed, and she asks me, "Mom, why did you take me downstairs?". She had no clue that she walked herself down the stairs. Scary, I hope this stage ends quickly.

5. Byron must be growing. He is constantly hungry, sleeping more than normal, and is complaining of his legs hurting. His shoes that we bought at the beginning of the summer are just a tad too small now.

Have a good weekend!!! Won't be back until late next week, we have a zoo and an aquarium to go visit!!!

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