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Little Bits of Life 8

1. Our princess graduates preschool today!! She is growing up way too fast. :( Some days she is ready to go to the "big" school, and some days she says "I don't want to go to the big school. I just want to stay at my little school." And, who can blame her! She has amazing preschool teachers, and a class size of 7.

2. Rylan decided he was going to stand up a couple of days ago!!! Still not crawling, maybe he never will.

3. I've still been trying to get organized around here. I'm hoping that it will definitely get better after the garage sale. The kids keep bringing in items, specifically toys, from the garage.

4. The kids, dog, and I will be gone next week to go back home to KS, and to attend my brother's wedding!! :) Joe will be coming on Friday after a meeting at work.

5. Speaking of the dog, she now weighs 25 lbs!! Wowzer!! (I just looked this up on here to make sure I spelled it correctly. Don't look now, but it also has a complete different meaning than I am applying.)

6. This week I volunteered for the 2nd time for the Rape and Domestic Abuse Crisis hotline. It was a little hetic, but not bad. I'll be volunteering 3 days next month!!

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