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Car Kits

These are the kits we made for our trips. Purchase yourself a container from your favorite store---ours were from Wal-Mart; Joci's favorite store, but not mine. Make sure your kiddos can open the lid all by themselves. Decorate the outside with stickers.

Fill the inside with all types of goodies. Ours have more snack/junk food than toys or games to play with. We put in ours: sticker book, stickers, notepad, pen, silly putty, yucky/slimy toy, mini slinky, sunglasses, raisins, pack of gum, yogurt covered raisins, Oreo cakesters, spin globe toy, doodle pad, Ritz crackerfuls and lots more junk food I'm sure.

I have plans to make "I Spy" bags and crayon rolls, but that hasn't happened yet. Maybe before our next trip.


1 comment:

  1. Here are 2 more places for good deals!
    check them out.


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