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Doctor Visit #2

Once again, we took Byron back to the doctor today; actually it was urgent care. His temperature has been very sporadic, and not normal---it jumps from 99 to 100, 102, 99.6, 102.6. He also has a very loose, nasty cough that sounds like something else other than tonsillitis. The doctors tested him for RSV, as apparently that is going around here, and they wanted to get a chest x-ray. Byron's RSV test was negative. His chest x-ray revealed some pneumonia. He is on a different, stronger medication for 10 more days. Hopefully, this will be his last round, and he will be feeling better in no time at all. He is sleeping on the couch as I type this.

(A picture of our countertop after all the meds taken throughout the night and this morning.)


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