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Clipping Coupons & Freebies 4

Here is what I got this week. Well, actually last week.

FREEBIES or almost free:

**Set of 100 postcards with our family name on them & then our individual names below; these are going to be used for thank you cards and whatever else we might need them for--only had to pay S&H which ended up being $6.59, but I think that's a pretty godd deal, you can't buy a personalized thank you card for $.07.

**Pampers diample sample = $0

**Veggie Tales DVD = again only had to pay S&H for $2.99

Grocery Store Items:

**Duck Brand packaging tape = $.68
**3 Renu contact solutions = +$1.59
**Potato Head Spudbuds = $5.97
**Aveeno Diaper Rash Cream = $3.94
**Aveeno Baby Lotion = $3.97
**4 packs of Rayovac batteries = +$.12
**Dinosaur book =$2.22
**Wheat Thins = $1.00
**Cheerios Cereal = $1.44
**Trix Cereal = $.98
**Stacy's Pita Chips = $0

We like to use Aveeno lotion and sometimes Aveeno baby wash for the kids. Especially in the winter, Joci's skin gets really dry. Joe has nicknamed her "Alligator skin".

Total Spent = $18.49
Total Saved = $29.68


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