{China day 4......November 10th}
Today we had to have an "official" hand-off.
Many, many families were meeting their children for the first time in China.
Although we already had Sophie in our arms,
we had to give her back to the orphanage staff for about 15 minutes.
It was finally our time to have the "official" hand-off at the Civil Affairs building.
Then we were able to sit and enjoy watching other families.
To take it all in, to see how the families interact with each other, to see the adoptive children begun to trust and feel secure with their new family.
It was nice to be able to pick Sophie up earlier.
We were able to play with her in her space.
Take our time, and just get to enjoy her in those first moments
without lots of melt-downs and scared/unknown cries.
The Lord knew before we even had an inkling of how perfect she is for our family.
We are praying for God's grace to guide us and encourage us with her care, and
to incorporate her heritage in our family.
Thank you for sharing your journey and updating your blog! You all are so blessed and its amazing what you have gone through and done! Prayers are with you daily and thinking of you all the time! You guys are wonderful in everything that you do, say and achieve! Love you lots! What a beautiful addition to the family! Love you all- Mandy Shaw